Diagnostic: medical answer to patient’s needs
Adequate diagnosis does not always coincide with the exact wishes of the patient: the findings resulting from this diagnostic may surprise the patient (the patient sees only the obvious and visible symptoms, only a doctor can detect “invisible elements”)
However, only such diagnosis allows to find the correct solutions and to decide which techniques to use with the goal of not only more efficiently correcting and often at lower financial costs, but also of slowing down the negative aging tendencies and, even of returning the youth of the face for a long time.
Skincare often regarded as dermocosmetic (as it only affected the skin) is now giving way to real treatment based on appropriate techniques and only on them.
Now the patient’s requirements are taken into account more as his or her general wishes: if he/she wants to primarily appear less tired, less sad, fitter, or he/she wants to appear younger, more beautiful. Such requests will give guidelines in the selection of techniques, in accordance with the program (and the budget) which must be approved by the patient and can be carried out in several steps.
A doctor who specializes in aesthetic medicine is, therefore, becoming a medical practitioner, accompanying his patient throughout his life, with prevention of aging being his mission: he knows him/her well, especially his/her weaknesses and always keeps important considerations in mind. This concept is obviously opposed to the concept of a doctor specializing in some particular technique performed regularly (and whose name is passed to others at parties).